Drunk Dinsey Wikia

Peter Pan is the eleventh video of the series Drunk Disney. The guest for this episode was Zan Poka.


Drank to Time
1 Walt 0:42
2 Robin Williams James' Drink Attack 0:57
3 No babysitter! 1:50
4 Comfortable onesies 4:41
5 Topless beaches 6:07
6 Method man 7:08
7 Moms 8:17
8 That weird out of place POV shot Chelsea's Drink Attack 9:16
9 London, (our overlords and saviors) Dave's Drink Attack 2:29

Lessons Learned[]

  • Dave: With happy thoughts, the sky is your limit.
  • James: That Peter Pan is the most sexist, and possibly the most racist, Disney movie ever made.
  • Chelsea: That a lot of the songs in Peter Pan are so engrained into her head that she isn't sure if Disney wrote them or not.
  • ZanThat the 1900s were a terrible time period for women.


  • Zan didn't call a drink attack in this episode.